


"Nothing makes me happier than when I hear from a student or recent graduate who has found her or his niche in the legal community and is out using the skills they learned in my classes to solve legal problems. I love that as a professor I get to have a role in supporting people at a critical juncture in their professional, 而且通常是个人的, 通往满意职业的旅程."

新闻:玛丽·贝思·莫伊伦· was interviewed on Capital 酒吧lic Radio's 洞察力 program 10月. 23, 2018, about the 2018 ballot measures.

玛丽·贝思·莫伊伦· is an 法学副教授 at McGeorge School of 法律. She was a founder of the 全球律师技能 (“GLS”) program at McGeorge. GLS是全国公认的, required two-year skills program that introduces students to a broad range of core lawyering skills that include, 法律研究, 写作, 口头宣传, 还有客户面试, 客户咨询服务, 谈判, 和起草. Professor Moylan is also the co-author of 全球律师技能 (West 2013)和 全球律师技能: Second Edition 2018年(西), a legal skills textbook that is unique in the market for its focus on cross-border and cross-cultural considerations in lawyering skills and practice. In addition to her experiences in the GLS program, Professor Moylan has been engaged with McGeorge’s Clinics, 校外实习期, 和公益工作. She also has been involved with the Advocacy and Dispute Resolution Center and the Capital Center for 法律 and Policy. In addition to these areas of interest, she teaches Civil Procedure. Moylan served as the Associate Dean for 奖学金 from 2019-2024.

Professor Moylan has a long-standing passion for and expertise in politics and government. Since 2003, she has supervised the publication of the 加州倡议审查, an online journal providing objective and neutral analysis of each statewide ballot proposition. 的 加州倡议审查 is published in advance of every California statewide general election. Professor Moylan and her students also hold a public forum for explanation and discussion of the statewide ballot propositions, and Professor Moylan regularly provides a summary of the propositions to Capital 酒吧lic Radio’s 洞察力 program in advance of each general election. Her expertise in politics and government is not limited to the initiative process, and Professor Moylan is often looked to by local news media for expert advice on state constitutional issues, 利益冲突, 以及其他与选举相关的话题. She was chairperson of the inaugural 萨克拉门托 Ethics Commission in 2018.

Professor Moylan is also an expert in legal skills education. She was President of the highly respected and influential Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) in 2014-2015, and she regularly presents at conferences. 2018年5月, she was a panelist for ALWD’s first Leadership Academy and she presented at the ALWD conference in Boston, 麻萨诸塞州. In 2016, she presented on a mediation panel at the Global Legal Skills Conference in Verona, 意大利, and the Legal Writing Institute Conference in Portland, 俄勒冈州. 在担任GLS董事期间, McGeorge has hosted the ALWD Conference (2011) and the Western Regional Legal Writing Conference (2016). She continues to serve on ALWD’s ABA Task Force, and as an advisor to its ALWD Guide Committee.

Although Professor Moylan was raised in New England, and attended college and law school in the Midwest, she launched her legal career in 萨克拉门托 as a law clerk for the Honorable 法律rence K. Karlton of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. She then practiced election law with Olson, Hagel, & 问, and general civil litigation with Downey Brand LLP, both highly regarded 萨克拉门托-based law firms. She maintains her connections to the 萨克拉门托 legal community and keeps abreast on changes to legal practice through her involvement with the Anthony M. 肯尼迪美国律师事务所. 肯尼迪酒店汇集了法官, 律师, 和法律系学生提倡道德, 礼貌, and professionalism in the practice of law. Professor Moylan is a member of the executive committee of the Kennedy Inn, and she ensures that student members of the Inn are active participants in this organization.




Representative 奖学金 and 活动

全球律师技能, (West 2013) co-authored with Stephanie Thompson and the 全球律师技能 faculty.

Sovereign Rules of the Game: Requiring Campaign Finance Disclosure in the Face of Tribal Sovereign Immunity, B. U. 酒吧. Int. L.J. (2011).

持久的希望? 法学院循环教学研究, 48 Duq. L. 牧师. 《博彩平台网址大全排名》(2010)(斯蒂芬妮·汤普森).

Practicing Persuasive Written and Oral Advocacy, Case File (with David W. 米勒 & 乔治·C. 哈里斯,阿斯彭,2009).

Clemency in Capital Cases in California,伯克利J. 的罪犯. L. 37(2009)(与琳达E. 卡特).

市民反对租金管制. 加州大学伯克利分校, Encyclopedia of the First Amendment (John Vile et al. eds., CQ 2008).

玛丽·贝思·莫伊伦·, 适合每个人的东西? 的 Future of Comprehensive Criminal Justice Initiatives After Senate v. 琼斯和曼陀利v. 高等法院, 33 McGeorge 法律 牧师iew 779 (Summer 2002)

Presentation: Several streaming presentations for CCAP staff attorney training on Brief Writing and Oral Advocacy in Appellate Courts, 2006


USAID Rule of 法律 Program Summer Workshop, 广州, 中国, Presentation: Teaching Written and Oral Advocacy to Chinese law teachers, 2007年夏天