
博彩平台网址大全,Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry seeks outstanding individuals with a passion for advancing oral health. 通过太平洋医院的每个牙科项目, 我们确定了, 招募和录取那些共同构成一个全面和多样化的学生群体的申请人. 我们邀请您加入我们,共同创造影响. 探索我们的项目,了解我们的人在这里.



DDS ' 26类统计

图片来源:Diva Plavalaguna: http://www.pexels.com/photo/man-having-a-virtual-meeting-6147390/

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IPE是贯穿id的教学流, DDS和口腔卫生课程, 逐步培养学生跨专业合作实践能力. Students from the Dugoni School of Dentistry share their education experiences with students from many other healthcare professions both inside and outside 博彩平台网址大全

临床经验 & 监督

Our dental school is a pioneer in competency-based dental education — an approach that replaces the traditional system of 诊所al requirements with experiences that ensure graduates possess the skills, 对普通牙科独立执业的理解和专业价值观. The school’s comprehensive patient care program is based on the concept of private dental practice where the student assumes responsibility for assigned patients’ treatment, 咨询, 以及专科护理的转诊. 


Our dental school is a pioneer in competency-based dental education — an approach that replaces the traditional system of 诊所al requirements with experiences that ensure graduates possess the skills, 对普通牙科独立执业的理解和专业价值观.

The school’s comprehensive patient care program is based on the concept of private dental practice where the student assumes responsibility for assigned patients’ treatment, 咨询, 以及专科护理的转诊. 二年级学生每周实习临床牙科15小时, learning to provide comprehensive dental care under the direction of group practice administrators and multidisciplinary faculty from diagnostic sciences, 牙周病学, 牙髓学, 口腔正畸学, 可移动修复和修复牙科.

Third-year students practice 诊所al dentistry approximately 33 hours per week and provide care to all patients in his or her patient population. 偶尔其他照顾者, 二年级或三年级的学生或住院医师, 完成治疗计划中的某些程序. 这是通过小组实践领导(GPL)完成的,需要患者的批准. The student dentist originally assigned to provide care to the patient maintains responsibility for care during all treatment provided by other students or residents.

在第三年的诊所, 小组实践导师(GPM)监督口腔诊断和治疗计划, 紧急情况, 牙外科和固定修复学, 包括测试用例. There are three GPMs in each group practice during a 诊所 session and students work with all three mentors during the course of most appointments. The GPM monitors the progress of care and completes periodic case reviews with the patient and the student. The complex care 诊所 allows students to treat technically difficult restorative cases under the supervision of a trained prosthodontist with a low student-to-faculty ratio.

二年级和三年级的班级分为八个小组. 每个小组实践由小组实践组长管理, who has responsibility for the care of patients by all students and faculty in the group practice. The other 诊所al disciplines are managed by faculty who do not have specific responsibility for a certain group of students. Specialists in 牙髓学 and removable prosthodontics manage all of those cases in specified areas of the 诊所, 包括测试用例. 牙周病医生负责牙周治疗.

口腔颌面外科, 移植学, 儿童牙科和放射学在各自的专科诊所学习. Doctoral students participate with faculty and orthodontic residents in adjunctive orthodontic care and in oral development 诊所s. Advanced 诊所al dentistry and evaluation of new developments and topics that involve several disciplines are learned in the third year in conjunction with patient care.


太平洋螺旋课程, a unique curricular model that integrates 内容 across disciplines and years-in-program and emphasizes active learning and the development of critical thinking. Helix模式的特点是活跃的教室, 小组案例学习, 并且谨慎地使用技术将学习扩展到传统课堂之外. 

2017年 战略计划 题为“改变口腔健康教育的未来?,” and the school’s vision statement reads “improving health and wellness through innovation in programs, 合作伙伴关系, 和人民.“太平洋螺旋课程, a unique curricular model that integrates 内容 across disciplines and years-in-program and emphasizes active learning and the development of critical thinking, 与战略计划和愿景声明非常吻合, 并加强了学校对牙科教育创新和领导的承诺.    

Helix模式的特点是活跃的教室, 小组案例学习, 并且谨慎地使用技术将学习扩展到传统课堂之外. 支持和推进新模式, 学校增加了专职教师的人数, 重点招聘符合这种模式的教育工作者, 并持续提供21世纪教学法和web2原则方面的专家培训.0工具. A full-time doctorally trained faculty developer/instructional designer is on staff to guide faculty in considering innovations to existing courses or to assist in the design of new ones.  


Foundational knowledge in the sciences are integrated with patient care and interpersonal skills across all years of the program. 第一年的ICS课程, 《博彩平台网址大全》,涵盖了如何对待病人, 收集信息, 准备好治疗他们. 学生通过讲座学习, 研讨会, 以及关于诊断科学等关键主题的临床和案例练习, 沟通技巧, 病人管理, 道德, 诊所系统. 在第二年的课程中, 学习转向治疗计划和提供护理, 同时加强基础科学和沟通技巧. Faculty are from a broad spectrum of basic science, 诊所al departments, and practice backgrounds. 学生专注于临床牙科作为一个整体,而不是作为个别学科. Students think beyond the "ideal" skills and protocols of first year to the application of skills to real patients in 诊所. 第三年的课程涵盖了涉及临床牙科技术各个方面的主题, 科学, 人与人之间的互动.  Students participate in small group 研讨会 and give formal presentations to faculty and each other to demonstrate an understanding of evidence-based treatment and patient care. 


The IPT strand is designed to go beyond the strengths of our existing 诊所al preparation and to leverage opportunities to develop broad skill sets, 包括病人沟通, 这对成功的牙科实践是必要的. This strand includes advances in contemporary dental techniques and technologies now widely used in private practice, 比如数码影印和射线照相. 学习从掌握基本概念和术语开始, 然后转向跨学科思维模式, 并最终导致越来越复杂的患者病例模拟临床经验. 真实的学习和安全的指导练习是IPT的核心.


The IMS strand is undergoing a significant revision to align its 内容 more closely with the school’s new 能力声明 及策略计划, 同时让学生们为2020年推出的全国综合考试做好充分准备. 重新设计的街道保留了一些传统的内容, but introduces and integrates new areas that future practitioners will need to succeed: medicine, 老年病学, 流行病学, 统计数据, 研究方法, 以及健康的社会决定因素. The biomedical science faculty and their dentist peers are creating a strand that provides a strong foundation in medical sciences and explicitly connects this knowledge to oral health and patient care.  


学生临床小组实习是临床体验的中心组织单位. 由等量的首字母组成的, 第二, 还有三年级的牙科学生, 以及国际牙科研究项目的高级学生, 诊所 teams enable an experience of modern comprehensive patient care that students will encounter in private practice.


这一环节为学生提供了定制学习的机会. 以自己的兴趣和好奇心为导向, the student develops a unique pathway to experiences in a field or area related to dentistry that is not available in the core curriculum. 所有pip都需要书面的基础知识, 体验式学习作品, 工作成果. Many PIPs also include a cumulative reflective essay in which the student analyzes the value of the project and the resulting personal growth. 所有学生都与感兴趣领域的专家一起工作, 但是导师只在形容词中起作用, advisory role; the student develops the idea and drives the project. 主题涵盖了一系列的想法, from the 流行病学 of oral disease in the Caribbean to developing a peer technique lab project, from re搜索 in dental education to more traditional bench and applied re搜索 of the health professions.